Le marketing de projet en situation Business to
Business : Etudes de cas et proposition d’un modèle
dynamique d’évaluation et de suiv

Cette recherche a pour objet d’expliciter le marketing de projet dans ses environnements et sa complexité, de mieux comprendre les phénomènes liés à cette activité et, en particulier, les actions propices au processus de marketing de projet, et à son développement, au sein du secteur du Business to Business.
Six variables – actions déterminantes dans l’avancée du processus de marketing de projet sont mises en avant, ainsi que les ressources internes et externes à mobiliser en fonction des quatre phases de marketing de projet : le marketing hors projet, le marketing en amont du projet, le marketing dans le projet et le marketing hors projet du prochain projet.
Une modélisation du processus de marketing de projet est proposée, qui non seulement
permet d’en circonscrire la signification et la valeur, mais aussi en suscite l’opérationnalité.
Le travail mené ici est de type exploratoire. Il est en particulier basé sur l’analyse de trois
cas d’entreprises, et est caractérisé par une construction progressive et itérative, avec de
constants allers et retours entre l’empirique et le théorique.
Mots clef: marketing de projet, vente de solution, offre créatrice de projet, protagoniste, complexité, communication, confiance, collaboration, accompagnement, relationnel, apprentissage
The goal of this research is to clarify project marketing within its environments and its
complexity, to better understand the phenomena’s linked to this activity, and in particular, actions favorable to a process of project marketing, as well as the development of this process within Business to Business.
Six variables – decisive actions for the advancement of the project marketing process – are put forward as well as internal and external resources, to be mobilized according to the four phases of project marketing: pre-project marketing, marketing at the start of the project, ongoing project marketing, and marketing before the next project.
A process model of project marketing is proposed, which details the surrounding meaning and value as well as inciting its operational application.
This qualitative research is more particularly based on the analysis of three cases and is
characterized by a progressive and iterative construction, with constant backward and
forward motions between empirical and theoretical.
Key words: project marketing, solution selling, creative offer, protagonist, complexity, communication, trust, collaboration, support, relationships, training
Le marketing de projet en situation Business Top Business télécharger PDF cliquez ici
AbstractThe goal of this research is to clarify project marketing within its environments and itscomplexity, to better understand the phenomena’s linked to this activity, and in particular, actions favorable to a process of project marketing, as well as the development of this process within Business to Business.Six variables – decisive actions for the advancement of the project marketing process – are put forward as well as internal and external resources, to be mobilized according to the four phases of project marketing: pre-project marketing, marketing at the start of the project, ongoing project marketing, and marketing before the next project.A process model of project marketing is proposed, which details the surrounding meaning and value as well as inciting its operational application.This qualitative research is more particularly based on the analysis of three cases and ischaracterized by a progressive and iterative construction, with constant backward andforward motions between empirical and theoretical.Key words: project marketing, solution selling, creative offer, protagonist, complexity, communication, trust, collaboration, support, relationships, training
Le marketing de projet en situation Business Top Business télécharger PDF cliquez ici